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These are the true tests of joining, not those ones before. You can tell many things about a person by their most secretive and perverted fantasies and if they will fit into our structure of Sacredness....

Secret Test #1

Tell us your most secret fantasy, really????

"hmmmm,,involves being totally taken care of and being waited on hand and foot without a care in the world on some sunny island."

Is it sexual in nature?

"Depends on what time of the day it is..."

What do you thing this means?

"Think it means I am over-worked and under-appreiciated in my life! What else you wacko!"

How does this make you feel?

"Hostile as hell.."

Sounds like someone is suffering from a touch of laziness, but it could be mere overwork. Joining the Knights of Yahweh might bring the proper peace of mind to this stressed out individual. Welcome to the KoY.

Secret Test #2

Tell us your most secret fantasy, really????

 "I want some chick to go down on my while I am riding my hogg."

Is it sexual in nature?

"Hell yes!"

What do you think this means?

"That the old lady ain't givin me enough"

How does this make you feel?

"Mean as a snake"

Another person in need of the enlightenment that only Prince Victor Diamond can bring. Not sure what to make of this lack of sex? Welcome to the Knights of Yahweh.

 Secret Test #3

Tell us your most secret fantasy, really????

"To win the Power Ball Lottery"

Is it sexual in nature?

"No, sorry but all that money might be turn on"

What do you think this means?

"Money can't buy happiness but it can sure go a long ways towards it"

How does this make you feel?

"Makes me feel poor"

The vast wealth of Prince Victor Diamond and the Knights of Yahweh would ease this poor person's personal sense of poverty and bring them into a state of release from worry. Welcome to the KoY


Tell us your most secret fantasy, really????

 "Being peed on by 2 men"

Is it sexual in nature?

"of course"

What do you think this means?

"means I am really really kinky"

How does this make you feel?

"Happy and horny"

There is a place in the Sacred Assemblage of the Knights of Yahweh for this person but we will have to give more thought as to exactly where as placement of someone with this level of sexual focus is a tricky matter indeed. Welcome to the Knights of Yahweh.

Tell us your most secret fantasy, really????

"Making love on that trampoline in those thigh high leather boots"

Is it sexual in nature?

"What the fuck do you think??"

What do you think this means?

"I like sex on a trampoline wearing thigh high leather boots."

How does this make you feel?


Hmmm, perhaps this one might make a suitable companion for Prince Victor Diamond and a good keeper of the Sacred Rodents. Must ask about if there is an available trampoline.